Saturday 21 May 2011


Hello again.
As you can tell I am keeping quite busy at the minute. I have just finished off some bunting, and I also made a cute little drawstring bag for it to go in.
The Bunting is for my friends RSPB stall, which she has at several festivals over the summer, she is also the proud owner of the purple polka dot bag.
I sort of went the long way to making this bunting as I originally had it all strung along some wool, however I didn't like the way that it looked so opted for some ribbon. 
I have definitely figured out a much easier for the next few pieces of bunting that I have to make! 

Chocolate chip soda bread

Here is a photograph of some chocolate chip soda bread that I made. 
Not a fan of chocolate chip soda bread so it isn't my cup of tea, but I am adamant that I will bake everything in my cake making book! 

Two down, Twenty-six to go!

I just wanted to add a little tip that I picked up when making this bread- and that is a substitute for making buttermilk, having not bought quite enough.
Anyway all you need to do is add half a pint - 284ml of milk to a tbsp of lemon juice or white vinegar and let it stand for about 5 minutes.

Thursday 19 May 2011

The Bedroom!

One of my commitments is to turn my Bedroom back into a Bedroom. 
I have decided to bravely show you what I currently call a bedroom and also show you gradually the ways I plan on changing it, seeing as I mainly aim to make a lot of the things that I want to have in there! 

101 Commitments

I wanted to introduce you to 101 commitments that I am hoping to complete within the next 1001 days!
Some of you may of already heard of this project from Day Zero, or may wish to take it up yourselves, which I would recommend.
I have filled my list with things that I had already planned to do, so it should be easy!
Anyway I will blog my progress for all to see. 

This pad contains the details of my list, including things that I might need in order to complete it.
 This is a visual representation of a couple of tasks that I have completed/semi completed which I will photograph like so, unless it is something that I have made!

Monday 9 May 2011

Thursday 5 May 2011

Films to see

I understand that this post is quite unnecessary but I need to remind myself of all of the films that I want to see!
Last night I watched the dead poets society. It was amazing. 

Carpe diem! Sieze the day boys!

So here it goes...
Gone with the wind

see here is my problem I can't remember anymore and I know that there are plenty! 
I am poorly today so I am going to start by trying to watch lolita!

Becky's Birthday Cushion

Behold a cushion that I made for my sisters Birthday 

Monday 2 May 2011

My first bag!

Here is a photograph of my first ever bag!
It was a gift for my friends big 40! 

My first ever attempt at lining! I am quite proud haha. 

Mushroom pouch!